Mimosa – kissed by the sun, bringing sweet memories of kites, buttered popcorn, laughter and simplicity

Mimosa is what we call a delicate flower with usually yellow colours, but the genus actually consists of about 400 different herbs, trees and shrubs. The species that are used in perfumery bloom just once a year and their flowers are extremely fragile. An interesting fact about mimosa is that some plants from the Mimosa family are capable of rapid movement – their leaves close quickly when touched as if they are alive!

Kissed by the sun, the mimosa fragrance brings us back to our childhood with sweet memories of kites, buttered popcorn, laughter and simplicity. Its simple and cheerful fragrance is floral, but there is this distinctive warmth to it that makes you feel as if you are hugged in a soft cozy blanket. Being a true sunny jewel in any bouquet, the mimosa is unquestionably most commonly used in floral compositions, creating powerful and intense nuances.

Perfmes with mimosa

The elusive nature of the mimosa flower, however, compels perfumers to use it as an accent instead of giving it the leading role in perfumes. Its powdery scent, reminding us of almond, violets and honey, is extracted through steam distillation of acacia species that we associate with mimosa. One of its components, heliotropin, however, makes it really difficult to compose a perfume around this note due to IFRA restrictions on using this substance in perfumes.

The mimosa essential oil has a sweet floral scent and a calming, warming and relaxing effect. Due to its nourishing and softening properties, it is often used for improving the skin’s condition and appearance. Mimosa essential oil can also help you let go of your worries and is great for lifting up your spirits. It also helps fight depressive conditions and stress. Through the years, mimosa has deserved its reputation as a powerful aphrodisiac.

There are numerous health benefits that are connected with mimosa. It was used as a remedy by the traditional Chinese Medicinal practitioners and the Mayan people. Back in the old times it was used as a healing salve for wounds and burns, colds and cough, as a blood coagulant, an oral discomfort reliever, and as an immune booster. Except for perfumery and health/beauty, mimosa is also used in the food industry to add sweetness to desserts.

The innocent scent of mimosa blends very well with citruses, florals and spices (especially lavender, rose, and orange blossom).

Here are some of the perfumes with mimosa that you can find in our online shop:

Do you have a favourite perfume with a mimosa note in it? Share it with us in the comments below!

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