Bulgarian perfumer amongst the best in the world

мирослав петков

Today we are going to talk about a Bulgarian name that has attracted the attention of many in the recent months. He is one of the world’s finest perfumers, and as such is part of the exclusive club of specialists, to whom world famous brands assign the serious task of creating new fragrances. He is Miroslav Petkov.

Miroslav Petkov started his career years ago in Plovdiv in companies like Alen Mak and Refan. His passion for creating unique fragrances and his desire to develop on a global level, however, led him to the bold decision to leave his home country and try his luck abroad. His first destination was Argentina, but a year later he settled in Spain. Not long after, he created the formulas for B9 and Soho perfumes (owned by the American company Bond No. 9), which gave him the deserved place of the only Bulgarian in the exclusive circle of the most successful perfumers. Subsequently, he developed another nine successful perfume formulas for the same company part of the Dubai Collection series. Today, Miroslav focuses on the rich Middle Eastern markets, but his fine perfumery has clients around the world – the United States, Europe, Australia and Asia. He currently works for the Spanish company Iberchem.

In different interview he has shared that his first activities and first official work naturally has left a mark on him and his creations to this day. From this time, he has formed his preference for the natural aromas of spices and balsams. He also says that the clearest indication of the quality and success of a perfume is the assessment and opinion of the people. So the creation of a scent, he says, depends heavily on the market it is going to be offered. Of course, in the process of development the fragrance passes through a number of evaluations that direct the work in a certain direction, but that does not stop and does not restrict Miroslav’s freedom to experiment and try new nuances.

Different cultures have different attitudes to fragrances, but he says that “a good perfume is good everywhere.”

The current part of his life requires breaths of fresh air. So far he has been working alone, which comes with both pros and cons. A negative outcome is that this type of work lacks internal competition, and work in a larger company predisposes to greater opportunities for development and success. However, such a change means a change not only for him but also for his family. He says that relocation would be a great idea for their child and jokes that his wife will not be delighted, although she has always supported and valued him and his professional development.

We can only wait for the next big scent that Petkov will create and present to the world and wish him success!


source: capital.bg

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